connecting block中文什么意思

发音:   用"connecting block"造句
  • connecting:    adj. 连接着的;起连接作用的。
  • block:    n. 1.片,块,大块;粗料,毛料; ...
  • connecting to:    联机到; 连接到; 连线到
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  1. Flat connecting blocks and terminal strips for telecommunication systems ; requirements , tests
  2. Design and nc machining analysis of valve ' s connecting block in hydraulic system of the concrete pump
  3. A cross connect made up of the 66 - type connecting blocks and jumper wires for administering circuits
  4. A type of connecting block used to terminate twisted - pair cables . all wires are manually cut down with a special tool to terminate or connect them . see 66 block
  5. Since the crossing numbers of graph equal the sum of the crossing numbers of all its 2 - connected blocks , we work on the crossing numbers of graphs for n < 9 with unique 2 - connected block .
    由于图的交叉数等于其所有二连通分支的交叉数的和,本文计算了n 9的所有单二连通分支图的交叉数。


  1. connecting axle 什么意思
  2. connecting band 什么意思
  3. connecting bar 什么意思
  4. connecting beam 什么意思
  5. connecting bend 什么意思
  6. connecting bolt 什么意思
  7. connecting bose 什么意思
  8. connecting box 什么意思
  9. connecting box for fan motors 什么意思
  10. connecting branch 什么意思


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